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Songs and Music Marketing – A Digital Marketer’s Guide

The Digital Marketer's Guide to Songs and Music Marketing By Amninder S. Cheema

Songs. When some words are being said in a certain flow and style with some background ‘beats’.

The whole thing gets interesting and people end up hooking themselves with the catchy ‘phrases’ and last longer for almost ‘3’ to ‘4’ minutes.

Songs are highly engaging content as they have all the things that attract a human mind.The market of songs really attracts women and men alike. But once again the fundamental idea is – ‘it is a marketplace’. There are albums, artists, videos, audios, platforms. copyrights and people do make money out of the industry.

The Digital Marketer’s Realization.

“Never forget Songs Industry is an Industry and What you listen to, makes money for the Artists and the Companies. Even if you enjoy a song, always realize the words are being carefully chosen and it is being rehearsed, edited multiple times before being released in the market”

But once again, such dialogues are really great.

Some basic existing examples of digital marketer’s earning from songs marketing are

1. Lyrics website. This is easiest of all once done properly.
2. Songs Downloading website. This one could be shady.
3. Uploading songs that have no copyright on the Youtube Channels to make money.

To become aware of the songs marketing field. I suggest you to track your favorite artists and singers with all the albums they have released.

For example, below are my favorite singers.

1. Siddu Moosewala
2. Bohemia
3. Raftaar
4. Emiway Bantai

You can track down all the albums released by Bohemia on an excel sheet along with the songs written songs sung in those albums.

Always remember, A song is being designed seeing the trends in the market. They are made such way to match and sync with people’s feelings.‘ They are not real and you should not let your life get ruled by them. If repeated over a long period of time, songs can actually change a person’s mind.

Products in the Songs/Music Industry.

1. The Albums
2. The Musical Instruments.

Gulati Ma’am Method

One simple method to research the song industry is play the song on youtube and open google search to read the lyrics side by side. The easy way to start about this is to go through your facorite songs that you always loved. You will get to know why you loved them at the frist place.

Those songs usually have words that resonate with your real life stories and this is how it is in the song marketing world.


Indian Technology Entrepreneur

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