HyLyt App Review By Amninder Singh


HyLyt is a Data Management App for Personal and Business Needs. A Digital India Initiative. Good Customer Support. Tap me to Download.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post.

Money is a Business Need and so is managing Business-data. Data Management in a traditional way has become really cumbersome these days.

Data Management Apps are upsurging. Can they Really Rescue you,me umm.. us?!

So the story is, I got a message on LinkedIn and it was about some Data Management App – HyLyt. 

If you were to do a timeline, It was before 2020 Lockdown and things were going pretty well in Chandigarh.

After few discussions on how it works, I started using Hylyt for my personal use first and…

Eventually discovered – “it has this unique ability to simulate Getting Things Done (GTD) Methodology” [‘GTD is original work by David Allen‘].

David Allen is a Productivity Expert and He quotes – “It’s possible to do multiple businesses and actually handle all of them at once really well“.

No..You Whispered?

Ya, When he said this, Just Like You.. I felt discomfort and a disbelief.

As you read such lines, I know some of you feel like – “I would be happy if my one business stabilize over time rather than handling many at once”

Well, His Methodology Works on putting all of your internal tasks, commitments, agreements, projects and goals, right in front of you rather than thinking about them all day long in your head.

Businesses Generate Data. Tremendous Amount of Data. We are exposed to 100 times more opportunities than our grandparents.

And now we are more inclined towards saving our stuff digitally in laptops and smartphones.

The problem to solve is – “What if  I save something important somewhere and can’t find it later on time?

I myself feel low sometimes, even after doing lots of things simultaneously and to the best of my capabilities. 

Still, so many projects and so many in-completes (projects that started and never got completed) could be lying there in my inbasket (inbasket: A place to store your information.)

Something important might be there in your whatsapp, in facebook , in my email accounts and on our social handles and this goes on…

Basic idea is, to feel sane in this ever changing world, we need to define our tasks and complete them in time without any unexpected data/information leaks.

Figure: HyLyt App Review

With a purpose of simulating GTD to feel more sane and reducing my own business ‘anxieties’, I downloaded ‘HyLyt‘  and tried it.

Basically, I saved my tasks using its’ ‘instant note taking’ feature.

Then got to know, it can save and send your messages using any social media app on your device. 

Then got to know, there is a Desktop version as well. Desktop versions are easy to work with (for me).

Then it kept on going, there are so many features yet to be discovered in this app that I might take a full year to manifest it’s true value for me.

Then I realized , the personal version is Free and the Business version is really affordable.

But to make Business Investments sensible – Big or Small. It is always recommended to seek the ‘value of money’ and it is a ‘value for money’

So, Still exploring this now and maybe I’ll continue with it. Why?

There are this reason as well, It’s A Digital India Initiative. It’s from SocioRAC and just like me, the Founder is from India. 

“If we don’t support the fellow Indian Entrepreneurs, Businessmen, start-ups and the companies, then how are we going to develop our own Robust Silicon Valley Culture in the Future Here?”

Also, on a practical note their customer support is good as per to me.

I had few technical issues like increasing the Delete Tasks limit though and I reported this to them. 

They resolved it and like all my other queries (literally), taken my feedback and responded in a highly timely fashion. (that’s valueable!)

To Your Best!

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