How to Make Your Brand Development More Economic But Classy With No Team, No Reckless Expenditures

Have you ever faced the problem of having too many ideas to produce and show to the world but it causes you to purchase more and more. I mean, you end up purchasing domains for the purpose of writing content with your team and then you realize, you have to hire a team, pay more and experience uncertainty of branding and monetary gains or losses?

Well, if that is your concern then you’re reading the right article. To dodge that problem,

The fundamental idea is to hold all your content on one website and then tactfully generate applications, Facebook page(s), Youtube channels, Quora Pages and accounts with the specific brand in mind. The approach bypasses the need of purchasing more domains or server Hostings. It can also help you get connected with other people by linking to them.

As such this saves on money (recurring expenditures) and reduces the number of people needed to develop, maintain and promote a brand.

It means If I’m interested in cars, petrol, diesel or electric. I can choose to write about them here only and then once the whole series is finished. the finished articles and videos can be added to an application that directs users to the website.

This saves on lots of development efforts, costs and liabilities. There is hardly any cost on getting the app developed.

Instead of the domain first approach of investing money. I recommend the age old approach of trademarks. Once you have the trademark of a brand. If a website is being developed on the same name. you have the full right to either contribute to the website or banish it to address the concern of brand reputation.

If using blogger like me, the only concern is that your domain should be distributing or contributing authentic content to the internet.

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