Mobile Blogging and Why They Say – Don’t Use Your Phone While Charging?

Sometimes, I Blog using Blogger App and my old Samsung On5 Pro and I realized, it was malfunctioning lately. 

When You See the Battery, it’s 90% and after few minutes it’s 40% and sometimes it’s only 12% and then the phone was turning off like it’s about to die.

I really got frustrated and I finally decided, I should go to the local store and tell them about my phone’s problem and just get done with this today.

On the StoreFront,

Amninder: I’m using this mobile device and it is behaving abruptly, I don’t know what is happening with the battery. or maybe the problem is with some internal circuitry of the phone. Please check!

StoreKeeper: Well, let me check…

He took my phone and opened it from it’s back, took the battery out and rolled it on the glass.

and you know what, the battery was just rolling in smooth circles…

In a heroic tone, He said – This battery is done now! If It’s rolling good means, -“It is swollen“. 

Swollen Batteries are Not Recommended to be used with your devices and you should change them as soon as you comfortably can.

I asked, Why this happens?

He said – This usually happens when you try to use the device while it’s stilled plugged in.

I asked, so we shouldn’t use devices when they are plugged in?

He said – Well, the devices that run on batteries like laptop, mobile etc should not be used while you’re charging them.

This is a simple but great lesson to carry forward in my blogging journey.

I know, They say – Don’t Use Your Phone while Charging. Now, I know the reason too!.

What about You? How do you blog? Do You Blog with just laptop or you switch between laptop and your cellphone as per to your mood.
Pitch me in the comments below.

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